June Announcements and Appearances
There is a lot going on right now in my world. Manufactured Witches and The Dodo Knight were released to rave reviews, Manufactured...
Types of Publishing: The Good, The Bad, and The Wordy
So far, I’ve been writing this blog for creatives in general. I advocate for the need and wellness of people who dare to dream with...
The Value of Competition
This post may sound hypocritical. Michelle Rene, the creative advocate who monologues regularly about the virtue or working together, is...
Charity Zombie Anthology
Last September I was scheduled to be on a panel at Fandemic discussing zombies in our culture and why we as humans are so fascinated with...
Pre-Orders For Tattoo
I'm very excited to report my experimental novella, Tattoo, is now available for pre-order. Not only is it being listed as one of the top...
The Power of Persistence
"A professional writer is an amateur who didn't give up." This is a pretty popular meme going around the internet that makes aspiring...
An Argument For Homage
I used to be adamantly against fan fiction. The idea of taking an already well known story and writing your own take on it seemed wrong...
Hour Glass Pre-Order
My historical fiction novel, Hour Glass, is now available for Pre-Order! Set in the lawless town of Deadwood, South Dakota, Hour Glass...
The Abusive Muse
Like all creatives, I have an abusive muse. Throughout the ages, people have been dealing with muses. Centuries ago they were pictured as...
Writing Advice: Why Listen To Me?
There are a million places a writer can turn to find advice on how to write. Simply type "writing advice" into any search engine, and...