The Dust Bowl uprooted a lot of families and orphaned even more children. No one knows this better than Nat, a teenager who rides the rails from town to town looking for work. After helping a girl accused of witchcraft, Nat stumbles upon a home for wayward children run by a vibrant woman named Camille. She takes in children who have been thrown away and teaches them how to use their untapped potential to do extraordinary things...like magic.
In this crazy new place, there are wonders he's never imagined possible. People who can paint portraits of ghosts, walk through walls, and hide windmills in thin air. But in a time of starvation and fear, Camille's magical home comes under attack from people who fear and discriminate against her. It is up to Nat and the other children to rally behind Camille to save their oasis in the dust from utter ruin.

This sequel to the award-winning novel, Manufactured Witches, picks up the story of Nat after he’s been gifted with the limitless power of the goddess. Magic this dangerous is difficult for Nat to control, and he finds himself alone, ostracized from the people he loves. When a witch goes missing from a magical cathedral, Nat decides to work with his mentor, Camille, to save the lost girl from an unknown evil.
The Canyon Cathedral is a fantastic underground school for magic. Nat finds himself in a world of amazing things. Enchanted boats, magical nuns, and books that tell your history. Despite the wonders of the place, kidnappings and vicious attacks plague the school. Nat must learn to control his emotional powers to help the witches around him and find his place in the world.

In this third and final book of the series, a terrible tragedy has befallen the witches of Tanglewood. They have lost one of their most beloved family members.
Racked with grief, Nat jumps into The Goddess Stories book to find her in his own history and bring her back to the world. The problem is that Nat has not returned.
With the absence of the goddess, a terrible storm has taken over. It is a force greater than anything Camille can manage, and it threatens to destroy their world.
Natalie, his anchor child, has no choice but to go after Nat and bring him home. She travels through time, visiting goddess after goddess, searching for Nat among the histories of powerful people.
The only question is can she find him in time?

In a time when women were restricted in every aspect, Maud Wagner became the first female tattoo artist in North America.
Maud ran away to join the circus when she was a teenager. Along with her husband and daughter, for more than fifty years, Maud traveled the country tattooing the masses. Throughout this fictionalized biopic, we see Maud and her family manage their way through life inside the safety of their beloved circus. Each life Maud touches leaves its mark, quite literally. All this through the eyes of a relatively unknown woman... until now.

Set in the lawless town of Deadwood, South Dakota, Hour Glass shares an intimate look at the woman behind the legend of Calamity Jane told through the eyes of twelve-year-old Jimmy Glass.
In a place where life is fragile and families are ripped apart by disease, death, and desperation, a surprising collection of Deadwood’s inhabitants surround Jimmy, Hour, and Jane. There, in the most unexpected of places, they find a family protecting them from the uncertainty and chaos that surrounds them all.

“I have it on very good authority that a muse must have their heart broken six times before they can die.”
Alice Liddell was the muse for Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. But before the book was published, a rift opened between Carroll and the Liddell family. Also dubbed the “Liddell Riddle,” historians still speculate as to what happened to separate the famous author and his muse. Michelle Rene has imagined a beautiful and heart-breaking story of a special friendship and its unfortunate end. Told from the viewpoint of Alice herself, The Dodo Knight will transport you to Victorian England… and into the heart of a very special little girl.

A mysterious young woman appears in a cynical age. Why is she here… and will she survive long enough to achieve her purpose?
Judgment Day was not as advertised. Instead of fire and wrath, our histories suddenly began to appear as tattoos on our skin. No one could hide their past deeds anymore, unless they visited an illegal tattoo artist, who could replace their sins with unmarked skin.
Years later, a young woman appears, entirely unmarked. No one knows what her appearance means, but a small band of people find themselves drawn to her, ready to set off on a quest whose purpose is as unknown as the young woman’s past.

In 1882, there was an artistic explosion of creativity in Europe. To a poor girl, Maria, and her alcoholic, prostitute mother, Sien, in The Hague, Netherlands, that didn't mean much until one winter evening when her mother brought Vincent Van Gogh to their home. Before his stint in Paris with the bohemian painters of his day, Van Gogh tried for a family life while learning the trade of art.
He took solace with this poor girl named Maria and her mother Sien, determined to make them all a family. Maria, a hardened, honest girl, becomes Vincent's secret art critic. With an emotional artist for a friend and an alcoholic woman for a mother, Maria burdens herself as the responsible person in the family and tries desperately to keep them together. The short year and a half with Vincent forever changes Maria.

In this laugh out loud parody of Dante's Divine Comedy, one woman gets the worst tour of Hell ever. When her body hangs in between life and death, a sarcastic cat named Pudding appears to deliver unto Danielle an epiphany about her life. First, they have to go through all nine circles of Hell. Pudding begrudgingly leads her new found human past demons, warm beer, and Hitler trees in order to save her soul.
This novelette is filled with smart jokes, fart jokes, and even the occasional tear-jerking moment. The second edition is filled with new content written by the author for the video game, Danielle's Inferno, by One More Story Games.